Report 04.11.2019

Report 04.11.2019

Date 4th 11.2019
Time: 6:10 - 6:35 PM
Present: Johannes, Lisandra, Theresa, Dorothea,
Transcript writer: Dorothea

TOP 1:
Johannes chose a password manager to manage our KaJo passwords in a better way. KIPAS will be introduced at the next session

TOP 2:
Document "How to Finance": Niklas wanted to look at the document. Theresa or Niklas takes over the account management: creating a donation receipt, collection of annual membership fees and monthly sponsorship contributions.

TOP 3:
Fera will not go to a private university, but wants to lerarn accounting, Alem, a contact person of KaJo, takes care of Fera and is also supported by Kristina, a sponsor

TOP 4:
Membership meeting: Location: Rotes Kreuz Nürtingen? Date is not fixed yet, Theresa takes care of the venue and writes a review of the year

TOP 5:
KaJo Evening / Weekend - Doodle - Theresa, time July - October 2020

TOP 6:
Salary Kibret: Since January 2018 Kibret gets 6 € per child per month. The amount should be increased as inflation increases very fast and very strongly. From 2020, Kibret will receive 8 € per child per month

TOP 7:
Studying with engagement: Lisandra and Theresa were introduced. Doro is working out the key aspects

TOP 8:
Amazon Smile: Johannes continues to take care of it.

TOP 9:
Christmas letters Biruh: Doro writes an email to Biruh, who should send the letters to Theresa's address

TOP 10:
Linking members and godchildren on website to news - Johannes

TOP 11:
Johannes met with a friend who will now take care of KaJo's Google advertising, Doro optimizes the website until Wednesday 13.12.19