Report 25.11.2019

Report 25.11.2019

Report 25.11.2019
Time: 18:30 PM - 18:50 PM
Members present: Lisandra, Dorothea, Theresa
Transcript writer: Dorothea

TOP 1:
Lisandra, Theresa and Niklas will meet via Skype to discuss finances in oder to support Lisandra with her work

TOP 2:
Status Quo of the project "Studying with Volunteering" - The topic "social project" has to be more specific. When Vincent and Dorothea did some further research Theresa will support them

TOP 3:
Theresa sent the invitation letter to the Members' Annual General Meeting on 16th of December 2019 at 18:00 PM at Roten Kreuz Nuertingen